second: emotional intelligence
As we find ourselves already 12 days into the new year, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the fleeting nature of time and the profound impact of living in the present. The days seem to pass in a blur, urging us to pause and consider how we engage with time and change.
Daniel Goleman, in his 1998 book Working with Emotional Intelligence, highlights the importance of adaptability in navigating the complexities of life. He writes, “People who lack adaptability are ruled by fear, anxiety, and a deep personal discomfort with change” (Goleman, 1998). This poignant observation reminds us that clinging to rigidity often leads to unnecessary suffering
while cultivating flexibility enables us to embrace the richness of the present moment.
So often, we become preoccupied with the passage of time—regretting the past or worrying about the future—that we overlook the beauty and opportunity in the now. Yet, when we adapt to the present, we create space for deeper connection, fulfillment, and joy. Every moment is unique, a fleeting gift that will never repeat itself in exactly the same way.
This week, let us practice mindfulness and adaptability, letting go of the need to control time and instead immerse ourselves in the here and now. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also become more present for those around us. Let this Sunday serve as a gentle reminder: this moment is yours—embrace it fully.
Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.